车辆注册登记 and Parking | 十大赌博靠谱信誉网站-十大赌博信誉的平台

Rules and Regulations for On-campus Parking

Student/教师 Lot Allocation by Permit Decal


很多: 5, 6, 9

很多: 2, 5, 9, 15

很多: 2A, 4, 5, 9, 10, 12, 19

重要的是: 地块2A和4是一个24/7的预留地块,仅用于教职员工和经批准的客人/访客.


A Resident, Commuter, or 教师 Permit Decal is required

Parking spaces at 十大赌博靠谱信誉网站 are limited. 因此, 停车规定必须由十大赌博靠谱信誉网站公共安全部门监督和执行.



很多1: Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. 直到下午5点.m. 访客停车场和斯蒂策欢迎中心位于贾德体育馆内吗.

拍品4,10: Limited amount of visitor space for vendors and visitors of college faculty, etc.

View Map of Campus Parking Lots


  • The Decal shall be placed on the inside of the driver’s side rear window.
  •  适用于双门车辆, 贴花必须贴在驾驶座侧窗的下部或离车最远的窗户上. 


  • 所有的学生, 教师, 十大赌博靠谱信誉网站的工作人员在学院拥有的财产上停车必须有许可证.
  • Before registering your vehicle, the rules and regulations 必须 be read to understand what 十大赌博靠谱信誉网站 expects in terms of parking.
  • The Link to register your vehicle is at the bottom of the page.
  • 所有拥有州外牌照的车辆都必须获得非居民许可证.
  • Out of state students must complete 四个 copies of the Registry of Motor Vehicle Form. (链接如下)


教师/员工(1st 车): 免费教师/员工(2nd 车): 免费
居民学生: $150.00社区董事: 免费
上班族学生: $150.00 

If a new Decal is needed, that individual has to notify Public Safety via email parking@springfield.edu or the Dispatch Center at (413) 748-3516.


  • If the car was totaled, the student needs to bring in proof for the inactive vehicle.
  • If the Decal is lost or misplaced a replacement cost will be $50.00.

Special Parking Privileges

  • 任何有残疾或医疗状况的学生寻求获得停车许可证作为该条件的住宿,必须通过非歧视倡议办公室批准. Students can initiate the request for accommodation by completing 这种形式. 为了批准这一请求,可能需要医疗提供者提供适当的文件. Questions about this process may be directed to access@springfield.edu


  • 一年级学生的停车位有限,仅供有医疗原因的学生使用, prior and ongoing employment. 警察局长或其指定人员可批准任何其他认为合理的情况. 
  • Proper documentation will be required, as well as a request for verification throughout the school year. 适当的文件包括雇主的专业信函和工资单.
  • 如果你没有报告他们的工作有任何变化,你的许可证和在校园停车的特权将被立即撤销,直到下一学年. 
  • 超额罚款将导致你在十大赌博靠谱信誉网站校园内的停车特权被立即撤销. 



  • Each resident student will be allowed 14 guest vehicle passes per semester.
  • One pass will be distributed per guest vehicle.
  • Passes are free of charge and 必须 be obtained at Public Safety.


  • Passes are for vendors, contractors, and lecturers.
  • Passes may be obtained by requesting a parking pass through the PrideNet portal. 
  • Passes must be properly displayed on the dashboards of vehicles while on campus.
  • Passes are free of charge.

校友/Retirees Parking Passes

  • During business hours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. 到5点.m., 校友和退休人员将被引导到校友宿舍确认领取停车证.

Loading and Unloading Vehicles

  • 个人应致电十大赌博靠谱信誉网站公共安全部门,电话:(413)748-3516,要求允许将车停在离宿舍更近的地方15分钟.
  • Failure to call will result in a ticket. 
  • The individual should park in a parking spot. Parking illegally with flashers on will result in a citation.


  • Front of Abbey-Appleton Hall
  • 发电站路
  • 校友堂前
  • 卸货区

These areas above are emergency vehicle lanes only; parking in them will result in a citation and the vehicle will be towed at the owner’s expense.

Placing a Vehicle Immobilizer on Motor Vehicle

  • Vehicles may be immobilized for a number of reasons, 包括, 但不限于, 累积三(3)张或以上违章停车罚单和/或不遵守停车规则.
  • 所有罚款 必须 be paid before the immobilizer is removed.
  • Tampering or removing a boot will result in an additional fine of $100, 纪律处分, and/or the revocation of parking privileges.
  • If you are found responsible for any damages to an immobilization device, you will be responsible for the repair/replacement value of $750. 
  • 在三次固定之后,将立即撤销停车特权并将车辆拖走.


No valid permit or temp pass$40
Improper display of parking permit or temp pass$20
Parking in a reserved lot$75
Altering a temporary parking pass$75
Not parking within lines$40
Parked in a loading zone$75
Parked on any access road$75
Parked on sidewalk or grass$75
Parked in a no parking area$75
Blocking flow of traffic$75
Failure to move during snow removal$75
Parked in a handicap spot$200
Towing a vehicle during show removal$200



  • 有关如何提出上诉的信息可在发出的传票的背面找到.
  • 上诉必须在罚单发出之日起七(7)天内提交.
  • Appeals are granted to individuals with valid permits 只有
  • Appeal hearings will be conducted on Monday and Wednesday between the hours of 5:00 p.m. 晚上8点.m.
  • 未能出席听证会或未在上诉时间前24小时通知停车管理员你将不出席,将导致你的传票维持原判.


  • There needs to be substantial evidence that you did not commit that violation
  • 申请停车许可证时,每个许可证持有人必须在规章制度上签字. So, the lack of knowledge is not an excuse
  • 停车事务委员会将在上诉聆讯后24小时内决定是否接受或拒绝上诉


  • 在除雪期间没有按照指示移动的车辆将被引用50美元,并额外收取125美元的拖车费.00. 任何因未能将车辆移走而发出的传票都没有上诉的资格. 
  • 学生将通过宿舍张贴的告示提前得知除雪日期和时间, 十大赌博靠谱信誉网站 email, 社交媒体, 张贴告示.
  • It is the responsibility of the individual to find out when the removal will occur.


  • Jump boxes are available at the 十大赌博靠谱信誉网站 Department of Public Safety.
  • You will be required to leave your 十大赌博靠谱信誉网站 ID when borrowing a box.
  • Upon returning the box, your ID will be returned to you.


  • If a person has locked their keys in a vehicle, a dispatcher will assist them with contacting AAA or towing service.


  • Under no circumstances will 十大赌博靠谱信誉网站, 其代理人, 和/或员工对停在十大赌博靠谱信誉网站场地内的任何机动车辆(包括其中的任何内容)的任何损失或损坏负责, 出于某种原因, 包括, 而且不限于, 盗窃, 破坏公物, 疏忽, 或以其他方式. 
  • Any motor vehicle parked, 操作, 或在校园内驾驶,风险由车主和经营者自行承担. 春田学院不承担任何损失和/或损坏任何此类机动车辆, 操作员, 其他占用人, 或任何人,除非该损害是由学院雇员或代理人在其雇佣范围内在课程中行为的重大过失造成的.

Massachusetts Department of Transportation Student Warning

In accordance with Chapter 90 Section, 3 of the Massachusetts General Laws; All non-resident students enrolled at a private or public college in the Commonwealth must file 四个 copies of the Registry of Motor Vehicles non-resident student driver statement. 这适用于从州外到马萨诸塞州学校的学生和暂时居住在马萨诸塞州的学生, whether living on campus or not. This completed form must be filed with the 十大赌博靠谱信誉网站 Police Department. Failure to file such statement is punishable by a fine not to exceed $200.

Register Your Vehicle Starting AUGUST 1, 2024

Additional Form for Out-of-State Cars